Be all you can be!

Welcome to Year 3

Teachers: Mrs Adams & Mr Perry  

Teaching Assistant: Miss MacAdams

Year Three is where children continue to grow as independent learners as they enter Key Stage Two. Through our exciting curriculum, our children build on the skills and knowledge learned in Year Two and challenge themselves in order to make progress. 

Important Information

  • Please send your child into school every day with a water bottle. Your child may also bring in a healthy snack which could include fruit, a yogurt or a cereal bar.
  • Spelling homework is set on Google Classroom on Mondays and the children are tested every Friday.
  • Reading homework will be uploaded to the Google classroom on Mondays and needs to be completed by Friday. Ideally, we would like your child to read the book several times as this will help with their fluency. 
  • Maths homework will be uploaded to the Google classroom on Wednesdays and needs to be completed by the following Wednesday.
  • P.E. This half term, Year 3 are lucky enough to be receiving some cricket coaching during our PE lessons, so our PE day will be on a Monday each week starting on 18.09.23, until half term.
  • Each week we will set aside time to look at the work/photographs uploaded to the Google classroom.  Please feel free to share anything that you do outside of school that may be of interest to the whole class.

After half term, our PE day will return to Tuesdays for the rest of the year (starting on 07.11.23).  P.E. lessons will take place outside, so we ask that pupils come into school on their P.E. day in a suitable PE kit (tracksuit or leggings, white t-shirt, trainers and school sweatshirt).

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is an exciting way of delivering a broad and balanced curriculum that inspires children to nurture a passion for lifelong learning. Our topics this year are:

  • Through the Ages
  • Rocks, Relics and Rumbles
  • Emperors and Empires